Bill & Traci Rabbit: An Artful Legacy
“Life has been kind to me. I’m thankful I’ve had the opportunity to see the things I’ve seen and do the things I’ve done.
But if I died tomorrow, I would feel so blessed and I hope God puts me in charge of painting rainbows.”
-Bill Rabbit
Traci Rabbit: The Artist
Traci’s work captures a spirit in the Native American woman that does indeed embody the best in female strength. From the proud lift of her chin to the strands of hair caught by the wind, she appears to weather all storms. Her paintings represent the way it feels to be female; to fly in the face of all that comes, with fierce dignity, energy and strength, but they also capture women’s ability to be gentle, yielding, kind and passionate.
Art Collection
Giclees -
American Finest Warriors
Giclees -
Ask and You Shall Receive
Giclees -
At Days End
Giclees -
Before the Storm
Giclees -
Between Two Worlds
Giclees -
Big Medicine
Giclees -
Blessing of Spring
Giclees -
Brave Heart
Giclees -
Brother of the Eagle
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Giclees -
Canyon Patterns
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Cave of the Bear Clan
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Cherokee Cave
Giclees -
Cherokee Creation
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Cherokee Gift of Fire-TR
Giclees -
Cherokee Sunrise
Giclees -
Cherokee Traditions
Giclees -
Comes in the Night
Giclees -
Coming of the Sun
Giclees -
Coming Storm
Coming Storm
Giclees -
Common Value Common Ground
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Giclees -
Giclees -
Giclees -
Creation II Giclees
Creation III
Giclees -
Dancing Color
Giclees -
Days End
Giclees -
Days of Trouble
Giclees -
December’s Morning Mist Giclees
Desert Winds Giclees